jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

Cremona, Thies, & Wessel: The European Union and International Dispute Settlement


Cremona, Thies, & Wessel: The European Union and International Dispute Settlement

Marise Cremona (European Univ. Institute), Anne Thies (Univ. of Reading – Law), & Ramses A Wessel (Univ. of Twente – Law) have published The European Union and International Dispute Settlement (Hart Publishing 2017). Contents include:

  • Marise Cremona, Anne Thies & Ramses A Wessel, Introduction

  • Christophe Hillion & Ramses A Wessel, The European Union and International Dispute Settlement: Mapping Principles and Conditions

  • Esa Paasivirta, European Union and Dispute Settlement: Managing Proliferation and Fragmentation

  • Danae Azaria, The European Union’s Contribution to the Law on Standing and Jurisdiction in International Dispute Settlement

  • Catharine Titi, Aspects of the EU’s Responsibility in International Investment Disputes

  • Niilo Jääskinen & Alicja Sikora, The Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Unity of the EU Legal Order

  • Tobias Lock, The Not So Free Choice of EU Member States in International Dispute Settlement

  • Anne Thies, European Union Member States and State–State Arbitration: What’s Left?

  • Christina Eckes, International Rulings and the EU Legal Order: Autonomy as Legitimacy?

  • Andrés Delgado Casteleiro, The Effects of International Dispute Settlement Decisions in EU Law

  • Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, The Position of European Citizens in International Dispute Settlement

  • Gracia Marín Durán, The EU and its Member States in WTO Dispute Settlement: A ‘Competence Model’ or a Case Apart for Managing International Responsibility?

  • Aurora Plomer, The Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court: Past, Present and Future

Cremona, Thies, & Wessel: The European Union and International Dispute SettlementDerecho Internacional Público - www.dipublico.org

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