jueves, 7 de septiembre de 2017

Fitzmaurice & Tanzi, with Papantoniou: Multilateral Environmental Treaties


Fitzmaurice & Tanzi, with Papantoniou: Multilateral Environmental Treaties

Malgosia Fitzmaurice (Queen Mary Univ. of London – Law) & Attila Tanzi (Univ. of Bologna – Law), with Angeliki Papantoniou (Queen Mary Univ. of London – Law), have published Multilateral Environmental Treaties (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017). Here’s the abstract:

This volume of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law presents an overview and selective analysis of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). These agreements encompass the regulating aspects of the protection, conservation, management, use and exploitation of living and natural resources in various areas: from biodiversity to fisheries, marine environment, shared freshwater resources, atmosphere, climate change, procedural obligations and rights and human rights, as well as Polar Regions. This book guides the reader through the multifarious conventional regulation of such areas of environmental protection, both at the global and regional levels, and details the path from the first post-war sectorial attempts at introducing international pieces of conventional environmental regulation to the booming of environmental instruments of the ‘90s and the recent fertile period of creation of new MEAs and their exponential growth.

Fitzmaurice & Tanzi, with Papantoniou: Multilateral Environmental TreatiesDerecho Internacional Público - www.dipublico.org

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